Thursday, December 7, 2017

PixL ends YouTube Subscription Service

I just received an email from one of my followers here, Jennifer B., and she has informed me that she received an e-mail, regarding PixL leaving YouTube, with this information:

Hello Jennifer,

Your YouTube subscription to PixL has been canceled.

On Dec 5, 2017, all paid channel subscriptions from YouTube creators are ending. You will no longer be charged for your channel subscription to PixL, and your access will expire on Dec 24, 2017.

What these means for the future of PixL is anyone's guess. I do know many PixL movies are available now through Hallmark's streaming service, so perhaps some agreement has been made there. Or, perhaps, PixL will be picked up by other cable providers. Or, could PixL be ending, altogether?

Stay tuned for more details!

Many Blessings to You All, Net

(*A special thank you to, Jennifer B., for sharing this info here with us!)

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